The Western Flyers with Guest Redd Volkaert - Benefit Concert
We are thrilled to welcome back The Western Flyers for the second year in a row! Please join us for a night of toe tappin' with "Texas' Finest Western Swing Band."
Delivering a mix of Western swing, classic country, 1940's swing & jazz classics, and fiery Texas fiddle tunes, the Ameripolitan Western swing group of the Year is guaranteed to have even the shyest of wallflowers tappin' their toes or swinging on the dance floor.
We strongly believe that supporting our local community is not only our responsibility, but our duty as a local business. For that reason, this concert is a not for-profit event. We aim to cover costs, support our musicians and give the rest to local schools and organizations in the greater Columbia River Gorge community. The beneficiary of this concert will be announced at the show.